over the past week...

Sunday, February 16, 2014

we celebrated my mom's birthday with a massive amount of chocolate
(this doesn't even include the chocolate cake & chocolate covered fruit... we were chocolate wasted)

 i got balloons for her that turned out to be a painfully bad idea when you have cats.
they either tried to eat the strings or were scared half to death of them

this was the view out of my car traveling home from my 35 week appointment.
thank god i have a jeep & for my dad who insisted on driving. thank you!

my mom surprised me with a crocheted baby hat she made for the hospital

we wanted to figure out the sizing so i tried it on Stark. 
the first couple times he shook it off his head, until he finally gave me this look like "fine, just take the damn photo"

i celebrated valentine's day with my little bump,

some gorgeous roses,

and some of my favorite people.

& operation pen pals has officially begun!
i sent out my valentines & got this too sweet gift from my girl over at sap&sea.

hope you all had an amazing week & happy sunday!

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